The 'archive' mixes are a series of mixtapes/playlists featuring previously unreleased & unheard material from 2006 onwards.
These mixes include material created as legohair, naut, and even earlier compositions.
Archive #1 features 8 tracks recorded between 2008 - 2012. Unfortunately most of their original project files have now been lost.
Archive #2 features 8 tracks recorded between 2006 - 2012, including the interlude 'Guitar Zaps' - a rough piece created on an 8-track mixer in 2006.
Archive #3 features 8 tracks recorded between 2008 - 2020, including the track 'Parallel' - an early demo from the 'a digital ocean of colour' album sessions.
Archive #4 features 6 tracks recorded between 2011 - 2015, including the track 'Just So You Know' - an unfinished demo from the 'X Marks The Spot' album sessions.
Archive #5 features 8 tracks recorded between 2010 - 2014, including the track 'Me You Collision' - a demo which was re-recorded for 'X Marks The Spot', but ultimately left off the album.
Archive #6 features 8 tracks recorded between 2008 - 2014, including the track 'Pin' - a pre-naut track created in 2008.